Candida glabrata      HDAC      Class-II

※ Class-II family introduction

    Class-II: Class II HDACs share homology with yeast Hda1, and are sub-classified into Classes IIa and IIb. The former group contains HDACs 4, 5, 7, and 9, and HDACs 6 and 10 belong to group IIb. (1)

    Class IIa HDACs shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm, This group of HDACs regulate the activity of transcription factors. Class IIb HDACs seem to have primarily cytoplasmic roles, with HDAC6 deacetylatingalpha-tubulin and functioning as part of protein aggresome formation and processing.

1. Koeneke, E., Witt, O., & Oehme, I.HDAC Family Members Intertwined in the Regulation of Autophagy: A Druggable Vulnerability in Aggressive Tumor Entities. Cells.2015;4(2):135-168. PMID: 25915736.

There are 1 genes.  Reviewed (0 or Unreviewed (1

No.StatusWERAM IDGene/Alias Name
AO438_002985 AO439_002978 AO440_002931 AO441_002831 AO442_002944 AO443_002825